
Department Websites Get a Responsive Makeover

Submitted by Humanities Web… on

The theme that defines the appearance of the department websites has been rewritten as a responsive design.  This means that the design adjusts according to the width of the screen that the person is using, so the site offers optimal readability on everything from smart phones to tablets to desktop monitors.  We were mobile-friendly before, but now we're even mobile-friendlier!  All department sites moving forward will feature responsive designs.

 Check out the responsive theme on your favorite device (and feedback is always welcome):

Department of Classics Website Officially Launched

Submitted by Heather Wozniak on

The Department of Classics has a new website based on the Department Web Framework.  You'll notice the design has many similiarities with the French & Italian Studies site, but we made some customizations to meet the needs of Classics, including a different front page layout.  The main navigation categories are the same so that users (especially students!) will have an easier time finding things as they move between departments.  Take a few minutes to check it out at classics.washin

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